Active Older Adults (AOA)
Healthy Living At Every Age!
We know that older adults are seeking more than physical benefits when they exercise. They also want a sense of community and to strengthen social ties. At the Juniata Valley YMCA, adults over the age of 55 have the opportunity to maintain active lifestyles while building friendships and improving their health and well-being.
Silver Sneakers classes are designed for the young at heart. Classes are held M-F 10:00-10:45 a.m. in our air conditioned group exercise room. Classes are open to any Y member regardless of age. Our Silver Sneakers classes offer you the opportunity to increase your level of physical activity and motivate you to continue to exercise. Exercise has been proven to promote mental agility in addition to longevity and good health.
AOA classes are free for all eligible YMCA members and Silver Sneakers members. Over 65? Check and see if your insurance helps or provides a Y membership!
Enjoy Activities Like...
Land Fitness Classes
Classic - SilverSneakers Classic focuses on strengthening muscles and increasing range of movement for daily life activities. Participants can use hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball. Often a chair is used for seated exercises or standing support.
Circuit - SilverSneakers Circuit offers standing low-impact moves that alternate with standing upper-body strength. The class can be adapted for all fitness levels.
Yoga - With SilverSneakers Yoga, participants complete seated and standing yoga poses. This class is suitable for beginners to advanced yogis, and it provides breathing exercises and relaxation without the strain on your joints.
Water Fitness Classes
Older Active Adults Pool Time
Three times a week, pool time is designated for those over 60 years of age. Join in on water volleyball, volunteer led class exercise, or just socialize in the deep end. (no registration required)
Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday - 1:15p - 3p
Splish Splash
Free for ALL YMCA Members - strictly shallow water only to help improve agility, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance. No swimming ability is required.
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday - 11am - noon
Aqua Zumba
Aqua Zumba is a safe, challenging, low impact water-based workout that's cardio-conditioning, body toning, and most of all, exhilarating beyond belief.
Tuesday and Thursday - 9:00a - 10:00a
Water Workout
An instructor led water exercise class for all ages with fun music.
Wednesdays - 9:00a - 10:00a
Note: Classes and programs change throughout the year depending on the season and demand. If you have any questions or would like to see a program offered, please contact us to let us know how we can help!